Understatement of the year, but misunderstood - Jen Kuznicki
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A Bridge Michigan article quotes our Michigan incoming Speaker,

Fresh off one of the most partisan years ever, 2021 is off to a combative start as politicians continue to squabble and protesters plan armed demonstrations despite bipartisan calls for unity and healing. 

“To say we’re living in challenging political times is an understatement,” new Michigan House Speaker Jason Wentworth, R-Farwell, said in his first Capitol speech to reporters. “People just don’t trust their government or their politicians.”

Yes, we don’t trust our government or our politicians. I mean, that goes without saying because we aren’t freaking blind. We are witnessing the utter destruction of the Constitution under one-party rule and we have zero recourse. The Democrats got away with stealing an election and the Republicans refused to look at the evidence and the Constitution to rectify it.

So we don’t trust that the Republicans in Michigan will change the things needed to secure our elections, because they refused, when it was important, to look at the evidence.

We are fully opposed to the Democrats in Michigan who stole our election, and who are imposing, unconstitutionally, draconian attacks on our freedoms.

They are rabid in their hatred of the Trump administration, and we see Republican leaders trying to kick the president when he is down, when he did nothing wrong, and all the lies are accepted by the Republican Party leadership.

The Republican plan would create new conflict-of-interest policies for lawmakers, prohibiting them from voting on legislation from which they or their family could benefit. A companion proposal seeks to limit runaway partisanship in “lame-duck” sessions by requiring two-thirds approval to advance legislation following even-year November elections.

A plan to do the obvious? That’s how off-the-rails Michigan is. Had they not mentioned the conflict-of-interest legislation here, I wouldn’t know they could make a deal individually with corporations and pocket some change, legally, right now.

The second proposal, is called a companion proposal. I’m assuming introduced by the Democrats.

Why don’t the Republicans change the rules to stop Democrats from having a voice? It’s what they are doing to us.

What a joke.