Mark Levin Show - Open Thread 1/7/2020 - Jen Kuznicki
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Welcome to the Mark Levin Open Thread! For years Levin has been the voice of reason, intelligence and history for patriots around the world. We as fans, followers and friends love listening to him, and it’s even better when we can get together to talk about the issues and the thought that went in to creating this America we love.




I’m a great fan of Mark Levin, and we have many great fans who feel left out now that Facebook is a basically a thing of the past for many conservatives, only today, Zuckerbag announced he will kick President Trump off of Facebook for weeks. Levin left Facebook last week, as well.




So here we are, let’s listen, talk, argue, and discuss, in the comment section below. I’ll kick off the leftists who will inevitably try to burn things down. It will be a pleasure.




I’m posting this open thread for Thursday night’s Mark Levin Show that starts at 6pm ET. If you missed last night’s show, please make sure you listen, here is the link–>


Here are the opportunities to get Levin’s show:

His website: 




Google Play: 


Amazon AirKast: 






See you at 6!