Truth! Fox Minus Rove Equals Ratings Surge | Jen Kuznicki

Mark Levin, charter premium elite member of the wildly popular Committee To Publicly Horsewhip Karl Rove expressed a truth this morning that, if acted upon, might make a lot of people, a lot of money.

And at this point, I’d even keep O’Reilly around for laughs.

2 Responses to Truth! Fox Minus Rove Equals Ratings Surge

  1. task says:

    Of course Bush would actively attempt to fix problematic VA issues because that is the way he is. Obama has a media supported Presidency and they can be expected to avoid covering damaging issues and/or playing them down. He is not pushed to perform. On the other hand Bush was continually media bashed and therefore, by exposeure alone, always had to put fires out – both real and unreal. During his two terms the media actually did their jobs plus everything else that they could do to damage his presidential image.

    O’ Reilly is partially right so this time it was easy to play the “fair and balanced” routine. Nevertheless Rove had a point. And the proof is that the media would never let a story of this magnitude go untold under Bush’s watch. It would have had unlimited potential to damage Bush’s image.

    The VA is a problem because of the system. It is beyond the control of any Administration. Based upon a top down one-sized fits all system it represents the forerunner of the much desired and ballyhooed single payer Democrat replacement for failed Obamacare. However there is really no right way to do a wrong thing. You can’t fix a system devoid of free market incentives. Had O’Reilly been truly fair and balanced he would have put more weight on this Administration, which clearly is the most lawless, deceitful, dishonest and apathetic Administration our Country’s history has recorded. Short of a Hilary Presidential victory I can’t imagine anything worse.

    Don’t expect RINO Republicans to improve things very much. A Mitch McConnell or John Boehner will use Band-Aid patchwork to defeat a never-ending production of regulations that will eventually surpass the voluminous IRS code. The body count may be so immeasurable that I suggest the public acquire pets and align themselves with an excellent veterinary facility where they are likely to get faster, better and correct dragonesses thereby suggesting potential treatment and surgery options while they still have sufficient time to survive what will eventually remain of what once was the best medical system the World has ever experienced.

  2. JKuriako says:

    Never was a fan of O'Reilly even if he does get into it with Rove who really needs to go. Far as I'm concerned Fox should just dump both of them, put someone like Mark (if they can manage to persuade him lol) or Dana Loesch, Dan Bongino or another conservative hell they should give Rush a show on there.

    Problem with Fox is they seem to be all for the Bushes very irritating to be sure. Thanks Jen for posting this!:)

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