MIGOP: Money or Soul? | Jen Kuznicki

With the blessing of the current MIGOP chair, Ron Weiser, and the new Governor-elect, Rick Snyder, Bobby Schostak is poised to become our next GOP chair.

All across the state, new members have been elected to positions within the Republican Party, who came to the party through frustration with the system and the tea party movement.  They are all being massaged to support Schostak because, he, after all, raised so much money for the GOP in the last election cycle, and it is believed that is what helped put the GOP over the top.

This attitude rankles tea partiers and campaigners for conservatism, especially since, according to the , Schostak has given personal contributions “to Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Vice President Al Gore and Gov. Jennifer Granholm.�?

The MIGOP has some work to do. The convention in late January will most likely be as cantankerous as the last one, with the tea party factions all looking for a conservative to lead the party forward, and they will not go quietly into the night.

What I see happening is that the moderates in the party, willing to accept anything to continue what they perceive as what they did right, pushing for one of their own.

So, the GOP in Michigan has a fight on their hands, will we sit by and believe that money is the reason the GOP won? Or is it because of the tea party that came in full force to elect conservatives, and where they failed, they will hold those that won accountable? “Principle Over Party,�? was the mantra, perhaps that will be changed to “Money or Soul?�?

One Response to MIGOP: Money or Soul?

  1. says:

    has been following this for a while